
Coreographer:Wendy Lin (Taiwan)

Music: On The Montaintop by Cham Ai ling (湛愛玲)(speed up 5%)

Intro: 1*8

                                  ()Before the main dance(after intro 1*8): 3*8

()A: 6*8 , B: 8*8 , Tag: 6*8, ENDING:4*8

wall: 1

 Intro/()/AABA /TAG/B/A6*8/ENDING


Before the main dance (3*8)

  1-2  RF step(1), LF step together(2)

3-4  LF step(3), RF step together(4)

5-24 RPT 1-4

(1-8 Hands up by “V”, 9-20 L hands down only, 21-24 R hands down slowly)

   Part A: (6*8)

#1-8  Rocking chair twice

1-2  RF FW step(1), recover weight on LF(2)

(Hands up elbow bend)

3-4  RF Rock step(3), recover weight on LF(4)

(Hands down)

5-8  REPT 1-4

#9-16  FW touch, recover together

9-10   RF FW touch(9), recover together LF(10)

(R hand FW shake down & L hand shake up shoulder)

11-12  LF FW touch(11), recover together LF(12)

(L hand FW shake down & R hand shake up shoulder)

13-16  REPT 9-10

#17-24  Side step, touch together

17-18  Side step R(17), LF touch together R(18)

(Swing hands up both sides of head to R)

19-20  Side step L(19), RF touch together L(20)

(Swing hands up both sides of face to L)

21-24  REPT 17-20

#25-32  Chasse, rock back recover

25&26  Side step R(25),LF step together RF(&),side step R(26)

27-28  LF step behind R(27),recover weight on RF(28)

(25-28 Hands by circle anticlockwise to R)

29&30  Side step L(29),RF step together LF(&),side step L(30)

31-32  RF step behind L(31),recover weight on LF(32)

(29-32 Hands by circle clockwise to L)

#33-40  1/4 turn L, RF side touch R

33-34  1/4 turn L & RF side touch R

(Hands wave to R)

35-40  REPT 33-34

#41-48  REPT 17-24

   PART B: 8*8

#1-8  Side,together, side, kick

1-4  RF DIA FWD step(1),LF step together RF(2),RWD step R(3),RF FWD kick(4)

(Hands wave by circle anticlocokwise to Dia FWD R)

5-8  A mirror DIA steps of 1-4

#9-16  side, toutch together, side,sway bumps

9-10  Side step R(9),LF touch together RF(10)

(Hands wave to R)

11-12  A mirror steps of 9-10

13-16  Together FT & Hips Sway on R(13)/L(14)/R(15)/L(16)

(Arms cross on chest)

#17-24  A mirror steps of 1-8

17-20  RF DIA back step(17),LF step together RF(18),back step R(19),RF Flick (20)

(Hands wave by circle anticlocokwise to Dia back R)

21-24  A mirror DIA steps of 17-20

#25-32  A mirror steps of 9-16

25-26  Side step R(25),LF touch together RF(26)

(Hands wave to R)

27-28  A mirror steps of 25-26

29-32  Together FT & Hips Sway on R(29)/L(30)/R(31)/L(32)

(arms cross on chest)

#33-40  Side step & hips sway

33-36  RF side step & hips sway on R(33)/L(34)/R(35) & LIFT UP RF (36)

(Hands beat the thigh to R(33)/L(34)/R(35), raise hands to top right(36) )

37-40  A mirror steps of 33-35

#41-48  1/4 turn R & RF stomp

41-42 1/4 turn R & RF stomp(41-42)  (Hands up & shaking)

43-48 REPT 41-42

#49-56  A mirror steps of 33-40

49-52  RF side step & hips sway on R(49)/L(50)/R(51) & LIFT UP RF (52)

(Hands Beat the thigh to R(49)/L(50)/R(51), Rasie hands to top right(52) )

53-56  A mirror steps of 49-52

#57-64  Side step R & rock body to R(57-58)/L(59-60)/R(61-62)/L(63-64)

 (Open arms flat on both sides)


#1-8  Stomp *4

1-2  RF Stomp*1(1-2)

(shaking hands to down both sides & slowly close to each other for hands by hands)

4-8  REPT 1-2

#9-16  FW walk, FWD kick, back walk, touch together LF

9-12  FW walk RF(9)/LF(10)/RF(11), LF FWD kick(12)

13-16 Back walk LF(13)/RF(14)/LF(15),RF touch together LF(16)

(above hands by hands)

#17-24  Back walk, kick, back walk, touch toghther

17-20  1/4 turn L & back walk RF(17)/LF(18)/RF(19), 1/2 turn R & LF kick(20)

21-24  Back walk LF(21)/RF(22)/LF(23), 1/2 turn L & RF touch together LF(24)

(above hands by hands)

#25-32  REPT 9-16

#33-40  REPT 17-24

#41-48  REPT 1-8( But,slowly separate from each other)


#1-32  RF step(1),LF step(2),RF step(3),LF step(4)….until ending(32)

(1-8 Hands up slowly, 9-16 Hands down slowly, 17-24 Hands up slowly, 25-31 Hands down slowly, 32 RF stomp & Hands up soon)


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